09/28/09 - Back to the Drawing Board

3.2 total lost, 33.2 more to go.

Well, what usually happens, happened. I was good for a couple of weeks, and then it all fell apart. Too many parties, social events, etc. in addition to going through a hard personal time this month (September is always really hard for me and this year was especially so), led to me falling off the wagon. I still haven’t found that balance yet – how to enjoy good times without going overboard on food, or completely stopping exercise. It’s going to take me awhile to figure that one out. I’m also an emotional eater, so when hard times hit, I don’t feel like cooking and we eat out/do takeout way too much. Depression sends me to the sweets and salty foods, and I feel wiped out & lethargic and don’t feel like I have energy to workout – I just want to sleep. So that’s what I did. Sometimes I just need to go with it – ride it out and try not to beat myself up over all the bad things I am doing, or the good things I am NOT doing.

The good news is that it seems like I am coming out of my slump. Now that September is drawing to a close, I’m feeling better about everything. I’ve already planned for this week – let’s hope I can stick to it. There are still too many treats around from the birthday celebrations – I need more willpower. I think the kids and hubby would be bummed if I just threw everything away.

Upcoming challenges: weekends away.
I am heading to Missouri for a family reunion this weekend. Sure to be filled with lots of drinking (this IS the Way family we are talking about) and few opportunities for healthy foods. That’s one reason I’ve got the plan for this week, and I think I’ll be able to stick to it – knowing a lot will be out of my hands this weekend. 4 days away will be tough.

The following weekend I am off to Disneyland. At least that involves lots of walking and standing! ☺ A couple of years ago when I did the online bootcamp through Leanness Lifestyle I did pretty well when I had a trip to Disneyland. I’m going to look up what I ate that trip, and see if I can do something similar this time. We get to have lunch at the private club there one day, so that should be interesting. Am not counting on exercising while we are there as I think all the walking will be stress enough on my foot. May swim in the pool at the hotel (Grand California) if the weather is nice – I’m sure the girls will want to do that.

Well, here’s the plan for the week:
Breakfast: 3 egg whites scrambled with ½ cup broccoli and 1 Tbs. reduced-fat mozzarella cheese, green tea
Morning Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 1 Mini Babybel light cheese round
Lunch: ½ turkey & avocado sandwich on double fiber whole wheat bread, 2 cups spinach with lowfat dressing
Afternoon Snack: 1 apple
Dinner: Tuscan Bean Soup*, Chicken Baked in White Wine Sauce*, 1 cup nonfat Lactaid milk
Evening Snack: WW English Toffee Crunch ice cream bar, 5 cups Orville Redenbacher light popcorn
Exercise: weight lifting & stretching

Breakfast: Huevos Rancheros Wrap*, green tea
Morning Snack: 1 cup raspberries and 2 slices turkey
Lunch: Tuscan Bean Soup from dinner and 2 slices turkey
Afternoon Snack: 1 apple & 1 Mini Babybel light cheese round
Dinner: Shepherd’s Pie*, 1 cup steamed green beans, 1 cup nonfat Lactaid milk
Evening Snack: WW English Toffee Crunch ice cream bar, 2/3 scoop MaxPro rich chocolate protein powder in water
Exercise: spinning class & abs

Breakfast: Low Fat Summer Frittata*, green tea
Morning Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 2 slices turkey
Lunch: Shepherd’s Pie leftover, 1 cup steamed green beans
Afternoon Snack: 2/3 scoop MaxPro rich chocolate protein powder in water, 1 apple
Dinner: Chicken, Mushroom & Gruyere Quesadilla*, 2 cups spinach with 1 tsp. olive oil and 1 Tbs. balsamic vinegar, 1 cup nonfat Lactaid milk
Evening Snack: WW English Toffee Crunch ice cream bar, 5 cups Orville Redenbacher light popcorn
Exercise: weight lifting & stretching

Breakfast: Eggs Florentine*, green tea
Morning Snack: 1 cup strawberries, : 2/3 scoop MaxPro rich chocolate protein powder in water
Lunch: Chicken, Mushroom & Gruyere Quesadilla, 2 cups spinach with no-oil-added dressing
Afternoon Snack: 1 Mini Babybel light cheese round, 1 apple
Dinner: Fettucine Alfredo*, 1 cup steamed broccoli, 1 cup nonfat Lactaid milk
Evening Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 3 slices turkey
Exercise: spinning class & abs

Breakfast: Deb’s Fruit and Protein Smoothie*
Exercise: weight lifting & stretching
Flying out this day, so no more plans until next week!

* recipes provided in another post

09/28/09 - Back to the Drawing Board Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown